
Sergey Nechayev

I had an opportunity to work in the structured quantum optics (SQO) group of Prof. Ebrahim Karimi at the University of Ottawa (uOttawa). The SQO group is an extremely productive team of young and motivated scientists from all around the world. The SQO team is internationally known for its ingenious research and for their groundbreaking experiments in quantum optics with photons that have spatially inhomogeneous polarization and wavefront distributions. The SQO group is strongly driven by scientific curiosity and they conduct their experiments on Earth (in their top-tier equipped labs), in Space and underwater!

The research environment and interpersonal dynamics are very unique in Ebrahim’s group. Ebrahim always puts the needs of his group members on top of his priority list. He is available to his group 24/7, he is always ready to help with anything (including personal matters) and he is very supportive in terms of career development. Needless to say, Ebrahim is a great and a very creative physicist who is always ready to engage in a scientific discussion about anything, even the most crazy ideas. Overall, working in the SQO group at uOttawa under Prof. Ebrahim Karimi supervision was a very exciting experience.

Sergey Nechayev received his bachelor degrees in Physics (2007) and Mathematics (2009) from Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. He became interested in optics and continued to the M.Sc (2012) program at Technion, specializing in plasmonics and singular optics. During his Ph.D. degree (2016), Sergey led a project that aimed at developing efficient incoherent pumping methods for solar powered lasers and renewable energy applications. He took on his first postdoctoral appointment at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Germany to conduct research on structured light, nano-optics, nano-photonics and light-matter interactions. He used nano-optics as a platform to experimentally investigate fundamental electromagnetic conservation laws at the nanoscale.

Sergey joined the SQO group in June 2019 as a Postdoctoral Fellow, where he works with Prof. Karimi on studying interactions between light, matter and quantum matter waves in extreme ultrafast, nonlinear and quantum regimes.


Sergey Nechayev
ARC building, room 454
Office: +1 (613) 562-5800 ext. 7138
Lab: +1 (613)562-5800 ext. 6784
Email: snechaye (at)


  • S. Nechayev, R. Barczyk, U. Mick and P. Banzer, “Substrate-Induced Chirality in an Individual Nanostructure”, ACS Photonics, DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.9b00748 (2019).
  • M. Neugebauer, P. Banzer and S. Nechayev, “Emission of circularly polarized light by a linear dipole”, Science Adv. 5(6), eaav7588, (2019).
  • S. Nechayev and P. Banzer, “Mimicking chiral light-matter interaction”, Phys. Rev. B 99, 241101(R) (2019).
  • E. S. A. Goerlitzer, R. Mohammadi, S. Nechayev, P. Banzer and N. Vogel, “Large‐Area 3D Plasmonic Crescents with Tunable Chirality”, Adv. Opt. Mater., 1801770 (2019).
  • R. Barczyk, S. Nechayev*, M. A. Butt, G. Leuchs, and P. Banzer, “Vectorial vortex generation and phase singularities upon Brewster reflection”, Phys. Rev. A 99, 063820 (2019).
  • S. Nechayev, J. S. Eismann, M. Neugebauer, P. Woźniak, A. Bag, G. Leuchs, and P. Banzer, “Huygens’ dipole for polarization-controlled nanoscale light routing”, Phys. Rev. A 99, 041801(R) (2019).
  • S. Nechayev, J. S. Eismann, G. Leuchs, and P. Banzer, “Orbital-to-spin angular momentum conversion employing local helicity”, Phys. Rev. B 99, 075155 (2019).
  • D. Rajesh, S. Nechayev, D. Cheskis, S. Sternklar and Y. Gorodetski, “Probing spin-orbit interaction via Fano interference”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 261104 (2018).
  • M. Revah, S. Nechayev and Y. Gorodetski, “Unusual polarizing effect of cylindrical plasmonic holes”, Optics Lett. 43 (18), 4374 (2018).
  • M. Neugebauer, S. Nechayev, M. Vorndran, G. Leuchs and P. Banzer, “Weak measurement enhanced spin Hall effect of light for particle localization,” Nano Lett. 19(1), 422 (2019).
  • S. Nechayev, M. Neugebauer, M. Vorndran, G. Leuchs and P. Banzer, “Weak measurement of elliptical dipole moments by C-point splitting,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 243903 (2018).
  • S. Nechayev, P. Wozniak, M. Neugebauer, R. Barczyk, G. Leuchs and P. Banzer, “Chirality of Symmetric Resonant Heterostructures,” Laser & Photonics Rev. 12 (9), 1800109 (2018).
  • S. Nechayev and C. Rotschild, “Detailed Balance Limit of Efficiency of Broadband-Pumped Lasers,” Sci. Rep. 7, 11497 (2017).
  • S. Nechayev, P. D. Reusswig, M. A. Baldo and C. Rotschild, “Designing a Broadband Pump for High-Quality Micro-Lasers via Modified Net Radiation Method,” Sci. Rep. 6, 38576 (2016).
  • P. D. Reusswig, S. Nechayev, J. M. Scherer, G. W. Hwang, M. G. Bawendi, M. A. Baldo and C. Rotschild, “A path to practical Solar Pumped Lasers via Radiative Energy Transfer,” Sci. Rep. 5, 14758 (2015).
  • N. Shitrit, S. Nechayev, V. Kleiner and E. Hasman, “Spin-Dependent Plasmonics Based on Interfering Topological Defects,” Nano Lett. 12, 1620 (2012).
  • Y. Gorodetski, S. Nechayev, V. Kleiner and E. Hasman, “Plasmonic Aharonov-Bohm effect: Optical spin as the magnetic flux parameter,” Phys. Rev. B 82, 125433 (2010).