International Schools

2018 [School on Quantum Communication]

School’s scope

Poster designed by Alicia Sit.

Quantum technologies are on the verge of entirely changing our way of distributing and processing information. In this so-called “second quantum revolution”, photonics is playing the key role to establish novel schemes to communicate over long distances and in an absolutely secure manner. While first commercial systems are already available, current research efforts are focusing on the development of next-generation protocols, enlarging transmission rates and covering larger distances.

The School on Quantum Communication aims to provide a series of lectures that introduce modern communication concepts using quantum states as the information carrier. The discussed topics will include free space and satellite communication, quantum repeaters and memories as well as the security quantum cryptography schemes. The lectures will be held by distinguished experts in the fields, and are intended for graduate students and young researchers.

School scientific programme [PDF].

School speakers

  • Giuseppe Vallone (University of Padova)
  • Khabat Heshami (NRC – Canada)
  • Shihan Sajeed (University of Toronto & Institute for Quantum Computing) 

Register here!

2016 [International School on Foundations of Physics]

School’s scope

Physics is one of the oldest disciplines of science providing a significant contribution to our understanding of nature and today’s technological achievements. Though it is almost impossible to truly summarize its historical achievements, there exist key insights on the logical progression of the major theories.  
The International School on Foundations of Physics aims to provide a series of lectures on the notable findings of physics. These lectures will be given by the brightest physicists in the field, and is intended for graduate students and young researchers.

School (preliminary) scientific programme [PDF].

School speakers

  • David Andrews (University of East Anglia)
  • Sir Michael Berry (University of Bristol)
  • Robert Boyd (University of Ottawa)
  • Berthold-Georg Englert (National University of Singapore)
  • Gerd Leuchs (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light)
  • Luis Sanchez Soto (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
  • Wolfgang Schleich (University of Ulm)

The Group Photo