Qasem Exirifard
Qasem Exirifard has established a strong foundation in physics, earning a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Physics and Master’s degrees in Mathematical Physics. He further advanced his expertise by obtaining a diploma in High-Energy Physics from the International Centre for Theoretical Physics. Pursuing his doctoral studies at the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Trieste, Italy, Qasem specialized in the theory of elementary particles. There, he delved into the intricate interplay between quantum mechanics and general relativity within the framework of superstring theory. At SISSA, he explored the mathematical structures underpinning fundamental physics and developed innovative approaches to investigate quantum effects in curved spacetime.
After completing his PhD and holding several other academic positions, Qasem transitioned to the emerging fields of quantum technologies and data science. In Canada, he has made contributions to both research and public service. He currently serves as a Senior Data Scientist in the AI and Data Science Division at Global Affairs Canada. Additionally, he plays a pivotal role in shaping standards for quantum technologies as the Chair of the Canadian National Mirror Committee for the IEC/ISO Joint Technical Committee 3.
Qasem’s research focuses on applying quantum technologies to explore the fundamental interactions between gravity and quantum systems. His core objective is to understand how the fabric of space time influences quantum phenomena. This research seeks to advance our comprehension of the universe’s structure as observed in the quantum realm.
- Q Exirifard, A D’Errico, E Karimi, On the Electromagnetic Mass Dilemma, arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.00071 (2024).
- Q Exirifard, E Karimi, Trajectory of a massive localized wave function in a curved spacetime geometry, Physical Review D 107, 064059 (2023).
- Q Exirifard, E Karimi, Gravitational distortion on photon state at the vicinity of the Earth, Physical Review D 105 (8), 084016 (2022).
- Q Exirifard, E Karimi, Schrödinger equation in a general curved spacetime geometry, International Journal of Modern Physics D, 2250018 (2022).
- Q Exirifard, E Culf, E Karimi, Towards Communication in a Curved Spacetime Geometry, Communications Physics 4, 171 (2021).
- Q Exirifard, Gravitomagnetism in modified theory of gravity International Journal of Modern Physics D 28, 1950169 2 (2019)
- Q Exirifard, Addendum: GravitoMagnetic field in tensor-vector-scalar theory, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2019 (05), A01 (2019)
- Q Exirifard, Randers geometry as MOND/dark matter, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2015 (11), 026 (2015)
- Q. Exirifard, Triangular Ring Resonator: Direct measurement of the parity-odd parameters of the photon sector of SME, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 23 (2014) 1450038.
- Q. Exirifard, Cosmological birefringent constraints on light, Phys. Lett. B699 (2011) 1-4.
- Q. Exirifard, GravitoMagnetic Field in Tensor-Vector-Scalar Theory, JCAP 1304 (2013) 034, Addendum: JCAP 1905 (2020) A01.
- Q. Exirifard, Randers geometry as MOND/dark matter, JCAP 1511 (2015) 026.
- Q. Exirifard, GravitoMagnetic Force in Modified Newtonian Dynamics, JCAP 1308 (2013) 046.
- Q. Exirifard, Phenomenological covariant approach to gravity, Gen.Rel.Grav. 43 (2011) 93-106.
- Qasem Exirifard, Constraints on
gravity: An evidence against the covariant resolution of the Pioneer anomaly, Class.Quant.Grav. 26 (2009) 025001.
- Q. Exirifard, M.M. Sheikh-Jabbari, Lovelock gravity at the crossroads of Palatini and metric formulations, Phys.Lett. B661 (2008) 158-161.
- Q. Exirifard, The alpha-prime stretched horizon in Heterotic string, JHEP 0610 (2006) 070.
- Q. Exirifard, M. O’Loughlin, Two and three-loop alpha-prime corrections to T-duality: Kasner and Schwarzschild, JHEP 0412 (2004) 023.