Frédéric Bouchard

Frederic Bouchard in 2016 Vanier Graduate Scholarship award ceremony.

Frédéric Bouchard is an experimental physicist interested in quantum optics, Orbital Angular Momentum of light, structured light and fundamental problems in quantum mechanics. In 2014, he graduated from the University of Ottawa where he obtained his B.Sc. in physics for which he has received the Faculty of Science plaque for the highest standing in the honours bachelor in physics and the University Silver Medal for the second-highest standing in the honours bachelor in the Faculty of Science. He previously worked for 3 years at the SUNLAB with Professor Karin Hinzer on numerical modelling of novel solar cell designs. He joined Professor Robert Boyd’s Quantum Photonics group at the university of Ottawa in 2013 for his honours project entitled “Propagation of light carrying optical angular momentum in nonlinear medium”. In 2016, he received his Master degree in Physics from the university of Ottawa. His thesis, “Classical and quantum dynamics of twisted light”, was completed under the supervision of Professor Ebrahim Karimi (Structural Quantum Optics group) and Professor Robert Boyd (Quantum Photonics group). He is now a Ph.D. student in the Structural Quantum Optics group at the university of Ottawa.


Frédéric Bouchard,
ARC building
Office: +1 (613) 562-5800 X3339
SQO Lab ARC 122: +1 (613) 562-5800 X 8657
SQO Lab ARC 451: +1 (613) 562-5800 X 1378


  1. Characterization of an underwater channel for quantum communications in the Ottawa River, F Hufnagel, A Sit, F Grenapin, F Bouchard, Kh Heshami, D England, Y Zhang, B J. Sussman, R W. Boyd, G Leuchs & E Karimi, Optics Express 27, 26346 (2019).
  2. Geometric phase from Aharonov–Bohm to Pancharatnam–Berry and beyond, E Cohen, H Larocque, F Bouchard, F Nejadsattari, Y Gefen & E Karimi, Nature Reviews Physics 1, 437–449 (2019).
  3. Compressed sensing of twisted photons, F. Bouchard, D. Koutný, F. Hufnagel, Z. Hradil, J. Řeháček, Y.-S. Teo, D. Ahn, H. Jeong, L. L. Sánchez-Soto, G. Leuchs & E. Karimi, Optics Express 27, 17426-17434 (2019).
  4. Quantum process tomography of a high-dimensional quantum communication channel, F Bouchard, F Hufnagel, DKoutný, A Abbas, A Sit, K Heshami, R Fickler & E Karimi, Quantum 3, 138 (2019).
  5. Vectorizing the spatial structure of high-harmonic radiation from gas, F Kong, C. Zhang, H. Larocque, Z. Li, F. Bouchard, D. H. Ko, G. G. Brown, A. Korobenko, T. J. Hammond, Robert W. Boyd, E. Karimi & P. B. Corkum, Nature Communications 10, 2020 (2019).
  6. Experimental realization of wave-packet dynamics in cyclic quantum walks, F Nejadsattari, Y Zhang, F Bouchard, H Larocque, A Sit, E Cohen, R Fickler & E Karimi, Optica 6, 174 (2019).
  7. Interaction-Free Ghost-Imaging of Structured Objects, Y Zhang, A Sit, F Bouchard, H Larocque, F Grenapin, E Cohen, A-C Elitzur, J L Harden, R W Boyd & E Karimi, Optics Express 27, 2212 (2019).
  8. Quantum cryptography with twisted photons through an outdoor underwater channel, F Bouchard, A Sit, F Hufnagel, A Abbas, Y Zhang, K Heshami, R Fickler, C Marquardt, G Leuchs, R W Boyd & E Karimi, Optics Express 26, 22563-22573 (2018).
  9. Measuring azimuthal and radial modes of photons, F. Bouchard, N. H. Valencia, F. Brandt, R. Fickler, M. Huber and M. Malik, Optics Express 26, 31925 (2018).
  10. Experimental investigation of high-dimensional quantum key distribution protocols with twisted photons, F. Bouchard, K. Heshami, D. England, R. Fickler, R. Boyd, B. Englert, L.-L. Sanchez-Sotto and E.Karimi, Quantum 2, 111 (2018).
  11. Quantum cryptography with structured photons through a vortex fiber, A Sit, R Fickler, F Alsaiari, F Bouchard, H Larocque, P Gregg, L Yan, R W Boyd, S Ramachandran & E Karimi, Optics Letters 43, 4108 (2018).
  12. Round-Robin Differential Phase-Shift Quantum Key Distribution with Twisted Photons, F Bouchard, A Sit, K Heshami, R Fickler & E Karimi,  Physical Review 96, 010301(R) (2018).
  13. Quantum metrology at the limit with extremal Majorana constellations, F. Bouchard, P. de la Hoz, G. Björk, R. W. Boyd, M. Grassl, Z. Hradil, E. Karimi, A. B. Klimov, G. Leuchs, J. Řeháček, and L. L. Sánchez-Soto, Optica 4, 1429 (2017).
  14. Observation of nanoscale magnetic fields using twisted electron beams, V Grillo, T R Harvey, F Venturi, J S Pierce, R Balboni, F Bouchard, G C Gazzadi, S Frabboni, A H Tavabi, Z-A Li, R E Dunin-Borkowski, R W Boyd, B J McMorran, and E Karimi, Nature Communications 8, 689 (2017).
  15. Polarization dependent nanostructuring of silicon with femtosecond vortex pulse, M. G. Rahimian, F. Bouchard, H. Al-Khazraji, E. Karimi, P. B. Corkum, and V. R. Bhardwaj, APL Photonics 2, 086104 (2017)
  16. Generalized optical angular momentum sorter and its application to high-dimensional quantum cryptography, H Larocque, J Gagnon-Bischoff, D Mortimer, Y Zhang, F Bouchard, J Upham, V Grillo, R W Boyd, and E Karimi, Optics Express 25, 19832 (2017).
  17. High-Dimensional intra-city quantum cryptography with structured photons, A. Sit, F. Bouchard, R. Fickler, J. Gagnon-Bischoff, H. Larocque, K. Heshami, D. Elser, C. Peuntinger, K. Gunthner, B. Heim, C. Marquardt, G. Leuchs, R.W. Boyd, and E. Karimi, Optica 4, 1006 (2017). (On news outlet: link1link2link3link4link5)
  18. Measuring the orbital angular momentum spectrum of an electron beam, V Grillo, A H Tavabi, F Venturi, H Larocque, R Balboni, G C Gazzadi, S Frabboni, P-H Lu, E Mafakheri, F Bouchard, R E Dunin-Borkowski, R W Boyd, M P J Lavery, M J Padgett, and E Karimi, Nature Communications 8, 15536 (2017).
  19. Controlling the orbital angular momentum of high harmonic vortices, F Kong, C Zhang, F Bouchard, Z Li, G G Brown, D H Ko, T J Hammond, L Arissian, R W Boyd, E Karimi, and P B Corkum, Nature Communications 8, 14970 (2017).
  20. High-dimensional quantum cloning and applications to quantum hacking, F Bouchard, R Fickler, R W Boyd, and E Karimi, Science Advances 3, e1601915  (2017).
  21. Observation of subluminal twisted light in vacuum: reply, F Bouchard, R W Boyd, and E Karimi, Optica 4, 207-208 (2017).
  22. Polarization shaping for control of nonlinear propagation, F Bouchard, H Larocque, A M. Yao, C Travis, I De Leon, A Rubano, E Karimi, G-L Oppo, and R W. Boyd, Physical Review Letters 117, 233903 (2016).
  23. Arbitrary optical wavefront shaping via spin-to-orbit coupling, H Larocque, J Gagnon-Bischoff, F Bouchard, R Fickler, J Upham, R W. Boyd, and E Karimi,  Journal of Optics 18, 124002 (2016).
  24. Nondestructive measurement of orbital angular momentum for an electron beam, H Larocque, F Bouchard, V Grillo, A Sit, S Frabboni, R E Dunin-Borkowski, M J Padgett, R W Boyd, and E Karimi, Physical Review Letters 117, 154801 (2016).
  25. Tighter spots of light with superposed orbital angular momentum beams, P Woźniak, P Banzer, F Bouchard, E Karimi, G Leuchs, R W Boyd, Physical  Review A 94,021803(R) (2016).
  26. Quantum probabilities from quantum entanglement: Experimentally unpacking the Born rule, J Harris, F Bouchard, E Santamato, W H Zurek, R W Boyd, and E Karimi, New Journal of Physics 18, 053013 (2016).
  27. Observation of sub-luminal twisted light in vacuum, F Bouchard, J Harris, H Mand, R W Boyd, and E Karimi, Optica 3, 351 (2016)(On news outlet: link1link2link3link4link5)
  28. Quantifying the impact of proximity error correction on plasmonic metasurfaces, S A. Schulz, J Upham, F Bouchard, I De Leon, E Karimi, and R W. Boyd, Optical Materials Express 5, 2798 (2015).
  29. Observation of quantum recoherence of photons by spatial propagation, F Bouchard, J Harris, H Mand, N Bent, E Santamato, R W Boyd, and E Karimi, Scientific Reports 5, 15330 (2015).
  30. Dynamics of laser-induced radial birefringence in silver-doped glasses, A A Ahangary, F Bouchard, E Santamato, E Karimi, H R Khalesifard, Optics Letters 40, 4062 (2015).
  31. Achromatic orbital angular momentum generator, F Bouchard, H Mand, M Mirhosseini, E Karimi, R W Boyd, New Journal of Physics 16, 123006 (2014). (Research Highlights by Nature Photonics)
  32. Optical spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion in ultra-thin metasurfaces with arbitrary topological charges, F Bouchard, I De Leon, S A Schulz, J Upham, E Karimi, R W Boyd, Applied Physics Letters,  105, 101905 (2014).
  33. Inverted metamorphic III-V triple-junction solar cell with a 1 eV CuInSe2 bottom sub-cell, A W. Walker, F Bouchard, A H. Trojnar, and K Hinzer, International Journal of Photoenergy2014, (2014).

Conference Proceedings

  1. Sebastian A. Schulz, Jeremy Upham, Frédéric Bouchard, Israel De Leon, Ebrahim Karimi and Robert W. Boyd, “Building a better metasurface: high accuracy fabrication of plasmonic nanostructures.” Meta15, (2015).
  2. Frédéric Bouchard, Alexandre W. Walker, Zetian Mi, and Karin Hinzer, “Modeling a monocrystalline Cu(In,Ga)Se2 single junction solar cell grown on a GaAs substrate.” Proc. SPIE 8915, Photonics North 2013, 891507-891507 ,(2013).
  3. Sebastian A. Schulz, Ebrahim Karimi, Israel De Leon, Frédéric Bouchard, Hammam Qassim, Jeremy Upham, and Robert W. Boyd, “Plasmonic Metasurfaces for the Generation of Optical Orbital Angular Momentum.” Frontiers in Optics, FTu2A-3, (2014).
  4. Frédéric Bouchard, “Modeling high efficiency multi-junction solar cell design integrating III-V and I-III-VI semiconductors.” University of Ottawa UROP symposium, (2013).