Dominic Mortimer

I began work with the SQO group in January of 2018 as a COOP student, and went on to complete two consecutive work terms with the team.  Throughout that time, I learned a lot from both Ebrahim and the senior members of the group (arguably more than in some courses!).  It was sad leaving, I will definitely be back to visit!

Dominic Mortimer, originally from London, England, began his undergraduate studies at the University of Ottawa in the Fall of 2014.  He originally started in the biochemistry program, but switched into an Honours BSc. with Specialization in Physics halfway through his first year.  Now in his third year, he is currently examining the dynamic effects of polarization singularities in space-varying polarized light beams under the guidance of Professor Ebrahim Karimi, through the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP).  Having thoroughly enjoyed his first year at the university, he elected to spend the latter half of his second year as a Residence Mentor, helping students through their first-year physics courses.  He also loves sports, namely soccer, although he is currently rehabilitating his second torn ACL and cannot play at the moment.

Selected Publications
  1. H Larocque, D Sugic, D Mortimer, A J Taylor, R Fickler, R W Boyd, M R Dennis & E Karimi, Reconstructing the topology of optical polarization knotsNature Physics 14, (2018).
  2. H Larocque, J Gagnon-Bischoff, D Mortimer, Y Zhang, F Bouchard, J Upham, V Grillo, R W Boyd & E Karimi, Generalized optical angular momentum sorter and its application to high-dimensional quantum cryptography, Optics Express 25, 19832 (2017).