
Ebrahim Karimi

Professor Ebrahim Karimi received his diploma in Mathematics and Physics from Eghbal Lahori (Saghez) in 1997. He fell in love with physics and mathematics as a high school student while attending several national physics conferences. He received a B. Sc. in Physics with an emphasis in mathematics from Kerman University in 2001. He joined the mathematical physics group in IASBS for the graduate study and was ranked 18th among all incoming students. He later changed his research focus and graduated under the supervision of Prof. Arashmid Nahal “Laser Cooling and Trapping of Natural Atoms” in 2002 Prof. Yousuf SOBOUTI was his graduate advisor. During that time he also worked on Singular Optics with Prof. Mohammad Taghi Tavassoli and Prof. H. M. Khalesifard.  In 2009, he received Ph.D. degree from the University of Naples “Federico II”, under the supervision of Prof. Lorenzo Marrucci and Prof. Enrico Santamato.  He received the best Ph.D. thesis award for his thesis titled “Light orbital angular momentum and its application on the classical and quantum information“. After his Ph.D., he worked as a postdoctoral fellow under Phorbitech FET project (led by Prof. Lorenzo Marrucci), and in Prof. Robert Boyd’s Quantum Optics group. Prof Ebrahim Karimi is currently holding the Canada Research Chair in the field of Structured Light, and is the group leader of Structural Quantum Optics (SQO) at the University of Ottawa. He is also an adjunct professor at IASBS-Iran, a visiting professor at Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light at Erlangen-Germany, and is an Associate Editor of Optics Express (The Optical Society-OSA) and New Journal of Physics (IOPscience). Prof. Karimi received several awards, such as Ontario’s Early Researcher Award in 2018, Young Researcher of the year in Faculty of Science in 2018 at the University of Ottawa, the University of Ottawa Early Career Researcher of the Year Award 2019, a Fellow of The Optical Society (OSA), a member of the Global Young Academy (GYA), a Fellow the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, has been elected as a member The College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists of Royal Society of Canada in 2020, the 2020 Herzberg Mdeal from Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP), and the 2022 Arthur B McDonald Fellowship from NSERC.  Applications of structured quantum waves (massive and massless particles) in modern science are the main subject of his research team.


  1. Experimental demonstration of an electrostatic orbital angular momentum sorter for electrons, arXiv:1910.03706.
  2. Weak measurement, projective measurement and quantum-to-classical transitions in electron-photon interactions, arXiv:1910.11685.
  3. Sum rules in zone axis STEM-orbital angular momentum resolved electron magnetic chiral dichroism, arXiv:1911.02006. 
  4. High-dimensional Encoding in the Round-Robin Differential-Phase-Shift Protocol, arXiv:2302.07888 (2023).
  5. Effect of Aberrations on 3D optical topologies, arXiv:2302.11531 (2023).
  6. Interferometric imaging of amplitude and phase of spatial biphoton states, arXiv:2301.13046 (2023).
  7. Roadmap on structured waves, arXiv:2301.05349 (2023).
  8. Quantum correlation light-field microscope with extreme depth of field, arXiv:2212.12582 (2022).
  9. Super-resolution enhancement in bi-photon spatial mode demultiplexing, arXiv:2212.10468 (2022).
  10. Secure communication using low dimensional topological elements, arXiv:2212.04350 (2022).
  11. Topological transitions of the generalized Pancharatnam-Berry phase, arXiv:2211.08519 (2022).
  12. Digital discovery of 100 diverse quantum experiments with PyTheus, arXiv:2210.09980 (2022).
  13. Trajectory of a massive localised wave function in a curved spacetime geometry, Physical Review D 106, 064059 (2023).
  14. Quantum face recognition protocol with ghost imaging, Scientific Reports 13, 2401 (2023).
  15. Experimental realisations of the fractional Schrödinger equation in the temporal domain, Nature Communications 14, 222 (2023).
  16. Spin-orbit coupling induced by ascorbic acid crystals, Nanophotonics 12, in press (2023).
  17. Scalable nonlinear helical dichroism in chiral and achiral molecules, Nature Photonics 17, 82 (2023).
  18. Manipulating the symmetry of transverse momentum entangled biphoton states, Optics Express 30, 21276-21281 (2022).
  19. High-speed imaging of spatiotemporal correlations in Hong-Ou-Mandel interference, Optics Express 30, 19456-19464 (2022).
  20. Gravitational distortion on photon state at the vicinity of the Earth, Physical Review D 105, 084016 (2022).
  21. Flat Magic Window, Optica 9, 479-484 (2022).
  22. Theoretical and practical aspects of the design and production of synthetic holograms for transmission electron microscopy, Journal of Applied Physics 131, 031101 (2022).
  23. On-demand harnessing of photonic soliton molecules, Optica 9, 240-250 (2022). 
  24. Theoretical and practical aspects of the design and production of synthetic holograms for transmission electron microscopy, Journal of Applied Physics 131, 031101 (2022).
  25. Schrödinger equation in a general curved spacetime geometry, International Journal of Modern Physics D,  2250018 (2022)
  26. Polychromatic Electric Field Knots, M F Ferrer-Garcia, A D’Errico, A Sit, H Laroque, E Karimi, Physical Review Research 3, 033226 (2021).
  27. Quantum cryptography with structured photons A Sit, F Hufnagel, E Karimi, Structured Light for Optical Communication, 139-176 (2021). 
  28. Towards Communication in a Curved Spacetime Geometry, Q Exirifard, E Culf & E Karimi, Communications Physics 4, 171 (2021).
  29. Full-mode characterization of correlated photon pairs generated in spontaneous downconversion, A D’Errico, F Hufnagel, F Miatto, M Rezaee & E Karimi, Optics Letters 46, 2388 (2021).
  30. A tribute to Marat Soskin, Journal of Optics 23, 050201 (2021).
  31. Full-mode characterization of correlated photon pairs generated in spontaneous downconversion, Optics Letters 46, 2388 (2021).
  32. A sorter for electrons based on magnetic elementsUltramicroscopy, 113287 (2021).
  33. Experimental tests of multiplicative Bell inequalities and the fundamental role of local correlations, Physical Review Research 3, L012025 (2021).
  34. Kelvin’s chirality of optical beams, Physical Review A 103, L031501 (2021).
  35. Achieving ultimate noise tolerance in quantum communication, Physical Review Applied 15, 024027 (2021).
  36. Two-photon interference: the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect, Report on Progress in Physics 84, 012402 (2021).
  37. Efficient molecule discrimination in electron microscopy through an optimized orbital angular momentum sorterPhysical Review A 102, 043510 (2020).
  38. Optical framed knots as information carriersNature Communications 11, 5119 (2020).
  39. Vectorized optoelectronic control and metrology in a semiconductor,  Nature Photonics 14, 680 (2020).
  40. Investigation of underwater quantum channels in a 30 meter flume tank using structured photonsNew Journal of Physics 22, 093074 (2020). (On news outlet: link1link2link3link4)
  41. Spatially controlled nano-structuring of silicon with femtosecond vortex pulsesScientific Reports 10, 12643 (2020).
  42. Theoretical analysis on spatially structured beam induced mass transport in azo-polymer filmsOptics Express 28, 19954 (2020).
  43. Entanglement: Quantumor Classical?, Reports on Progress in Physics 83, 046001 (2020).
  44. Generation of electron vortices using nonexact electric fieldsPhysical Review Research 2, 013185 (2020).
  45. Kurdistan: instability wrecks research and educationNature 577, 318 (2020).
  46. Full-field mode sorter using two optimized phase transformations for high-dimensional quantum cryptography,Journal of Optics 22, 024001 (2020).
  47. Design of electrostatic phase elements for sorting the orbital angular momentum of electrons, Ultramicroscopy 208, 112861 (2020).
  48. Orbital angular momentum resolved electron magnetic chiral dichroism, Physical Review B 100, 224409 (2019).
  49. Spin-constrained orbital-angular-momentum control in high-harmonic generation,Physical Review Research 1, 032008 (2019).
  50. Characterization of an underwater channel for quantum communications in the Ottawa RiverOptics Express 27, 26346 (2019).
  51. Nonlocal quantum erasure of phase objectsApplied Physics Letters(2019).  (On news outlet: link1)
  52. Geometric phase from Aharonov–Bohm to Pancharatnam–Berry and beyondNature Reviews Physics1, 437–449 (2019).
  53. Compressed sensing of twisted photons,Optics Express27, 17426-17434 (2019).
  54. Ultrafast generation and control of an electron vortex beam via chiral plasmonic near fieldsNature Materials18, (2019).
  55. Quantum process tomography of a high-dimensional quantum communication channelQuantum3, 138 (2019).
  56. Vectorizing the spatial structure of high-harmonic radiation from gasNature Communications10, 2020 (2019).
  57. Electron-beam shaping in the transmission electron microscope: Control of electron-beam propagation along atomic columnsPhysical Review Applied11, 044072 (2019).
  58. Multi-twist polarization ribbon topologies in highly-confined optical fieldsNew Journal of Physics21, 053020 (2019).
  59. Coiling free electron matter wavesNew Journal of Physics21, 043018 (2019).
  60. Orbital Angular Momentum and Energy Loss Characterization of Plasmonic Excitations in Metallic Nanostructures in TEMACS Photonics6, (2019).
  61. Adaptive compressive tomography with no a priori informationPhysical Review Letters 122,100404 (2019).
  62. Structured Quantum ProjectilesPhysical Review A 99,023628 (2019).
  63. Efficient Optical Trapping with Cylindrical Vector BeamsOptics Express27, 7266 (2019).
  64. Experimental realization of wave-packet dynamics in cyclic quantum walksOptica6, 174 (2019). (On news outlet: link1link2link3link4link5)
  65. Generating few-cycle radially polarized pulsesOptica6, 160 (2019).
  66. Interaction-Free Ghost-Imaging of Structured ObjectsOptics Express27, 2212 (2019).
  67. Mapping complex polarization states of light on a solid,Optics Letters43, 5757 (2018).
  68. Reconstructing the topology of optical polarization knotsNature Physics14, 1079 (2018). (On news outlet: link1link2link3link4link5)
  69. Quantum cryptography with twisted photons through an outdoor underwater channelOptics Express26, 22563-22573 (2018).
  70. Quantum cryptography with structured photons through a vortex fiber, Optics Letters43, 4108 (2018).
  71. Round-Robin Differential Phase-Shift Quantum Key Distribution with Twisted Photons, Physical Review A96, 010301(R) (2018).
  72. Towards an integrated AlGaAs waveguide platform for phase and polarisation shapingJournal of Optics20, 05LT01 (2018).
  73. ‘Twisted’ electronsContemporary Physics59, 126 (2018).
  74. Twisting neutrons may reveal their internal structureNature Physics14, 1–2 (2018).
  75. Phase retrieval of an electron vortex beam using diffraction holographyApplied Physics Letters111, 223101 (2017).
  76. Quantum metrology at the limit with extremal Majorana constellationsOptica4, 1429 (2017).
  77. Observation of nanoscale magnetic fields using twisted electron beams,Nature Communications8, 689 (2017).
  78. High-Dimensional intra-city quantum cryptography with structured photonsOptica4, 1006 (2017). (On news outlet: link1link2link3link4link5)
  79. Towards a holographic approach to spherical aberration correction in scanning transmission electron microscopyOptics Express 18, 21851 (2017).
  80. Experimental investigation of Popper’s proposed ghost-diffraction experiment,Journal of Optics19, 104002 (2017).
  81. Polarization dependent nanostructuring of silicon with femtosecond vortex pulseAPL Photonics2, 086104 (2017). 
  82. General lossless spatial polarization transformations,Journal of Optics19, 094003 (2017).
  83. Experimental ladder proof of Hardy’s nonlocality for high-dimensional quantum systemsPhysical Review A96, 022115 (2017).
  84. Generalized optical angular momentum sorter and its application to high-dimensional quantum cryptographyOptics Express25, 19832 (2017).
  85. Measuring the orbital angular momentum spectrum of an electron beamNature Communications8, 15536 (2017).
  86. Controlling the orbital angular momentum of high harmonic vorticesNature Communications8, 14970 (2017).
  87. A new twist on relativistic electron vorticesPhysics Viewpoint10, 26 (2017).
  88. Realization of electron vortices with large orbital angular momentum using miniature holograms fabricated by electron beam lithographyApplied Physics Letters110, 093113 (2017).
  89. Observation of subluminaltwisted light in vacuum: reply, Optica4, 207-208 (2017).
  90. Roadmap on structured lightJournal of Optics19, 013001 (2017).
  91. Revealing optical vortices with a small number of photonsLaser & Photonic Review1-6 (2016).
  92. Arbitrary optical wavefront shaping via spin-to-orbit couplingJournal of Optics18, 124002 (2016).
  93. High-dimensional quantum cloning and applications to quantum hackingScience Advances3, e1601915  (2017). (On news outlet: link1link2link3link4link5)
  94. Polarization shaping for control of nonlinear propagationPhysical Review Letters117, 233903 (2016).
  95. Nondestructive measurement of orbital angular momentum for an electron beamPhysical Review Letters117, 154801 (2016).
  96. Super-critical phasematchingfor photon pair generation in structured light modesOptics Express24, 24495 (2016).
  97. Hong-Ou-Mandel interference of entangled Hermite-Gauss modesPhysical Review A94, 033855 (2016).
  98. Tighter spots of light with superposed orbital angular momentum beamsPhysical  Review A94,021803(R) (2016).
  99. Quantum probabilities from quantum entanglement: Experimentally unpacking the Born ruleNew Journal of Physics18, 053013 (2016).
  100. Generation and Application of Bessel Beams in Electron MicroscopyUltramicroscopy166, 48 (2016).
  101. Observation of sub-luminal twisted light in vacuumOptica3, 351 (2016). (On news outlet: link1link2link3link4link5)
  102. Classical entanglement?Science350, 1172 (2015).
  103. Quantifying the impact of proximity error correction on plasmonic metasurfacesOptical Materials Express5, 2798 (2015).
  104. Observation of quantum recoherence of photons by spatial propagationScientific Reports5, 15330 (2015).
  105. Experimental realization of quantum tomography of photonic qudits via symmetric informationally complete positive operator-valued measuresPhysical Review X5, 041006 (2015).
  106. Q-plate enabled spectrally diverse orbital-angular-momentum conversion for stimulated emission depletion microscopyOptica2, 900 (2015).
  107. Dynamics of laser-induced radial birefringence in silver-doped glassesOptics Letters40, 4062 (2015).
  108. Real-time imaging of spin-to-orbital angular momentum hybrid remote state preparation,Physical  Review A92, 022321 (2015).
  109. Structured Quantum WavesNature Physics11, 629 (2015).
  110. Quantum walks and quantum simulation of wavepacket dynamics with twisted photonsScience Advances1, e1500087 (2015).
  111. Real-time imaging of photonic quantum teleportation, SPIE NewsroomFebruary (2015).
  112. Q-Plates as higher order polarization controllers for orbital angular momentum modes of fiberOptics Letters40, 1729 (2015).
  113. 4 X 20 Gbit/s mode division multiplexing over free space using vector modes and a q-plate mode (de)multiplexerOptics Letters40, 1980 (2015).
  114. Experimental measurement of the self-healing of the spatially inhomogeneous states of polarization of radially and azimuthally polarized vector Bessel beams,  Journal of Optics17, 035617 (2015).
  115. Observation of optical polarization Möbius strips, Science (2015). (On Media PhysicsWorldNew ScientistPhotonicsOptics and Photonics News)
  116. Ten years of Nature Physics: Slowly but surelyNature Physics11, 15 (2015). [PDF] .
  117. Holographic generation of highly twisted electron beamsPhysical Review Letters,114, 034801 (2015). [PDF] (Highlighted by Physical Review Focus)
  118. Achromatic orbital angular momentum generatorNew journal of Physics16, 123006(2014). [PDF] (Research Highlights by Nature Photonics)
  119. Real-time imaging of spin-to-orbital angular momentum quantum state teleportation, arXiv:1404.7573, (2014). (Science News)
  120. Optical spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion in ultra-thin metasurfaces with arbitrary topological chargesApplied Physics Letters,105, 101905 (2014). [PDF].
  121. Radial quantum number of Laguerre-Gauss modesPhysical Review A 89,  063813 (2014). [PDF]
  122. Generating optical orbital angular momentum at visible wavelengths using a plasmonic metasurfaceLight: Science & Applications3, e167 (2014). [PDF
  123. Limitations to the determination of a Laguerre-Gauss spectrum via projective, phase-flattening measurement,Journal of the Optical Society of America B31, A20 (2014). [PDF
  124. Hardy’s paradox tested in the spin-orbit Hilbert space of single photonsPhysical Review A 89,  032122 (2014). [PDF]
  125. Highly-efficient electron vortex beams generated by nanofabricated phase hologramsApplied Physics Letters 104, 043109 (2014). [PDF] (Nature News and Views)
  126. Generation of nondiffracting electron Bessel beamsPhysical Review X 4, 011013 (2014). [PDF]
  127. Exploring the quantum nature of radial degree of freedom of a photon via Hong-Ou-Mandel interferencePhysical Review A 89,  013829 (2014). [PDF]
  128. Generation of a spin-polarized electron beam by multipoles magnetic fieldsUltramicroscopy 138,  22 (2014). [PDF]
  129. Tunable supercontinuum light vector vortex beam generator using a q-plateOptics Letters37,  5083 (2013). [PDF]
  130. Influence of generalized focusing of few-cycle Gaussian pulses in attosecond pulse generationOptics Express 21, 24991 (2013). [PDF]
  131. [US patent] Converter of orbital momentum into spin momentum for the polarization of particle beamsPatent no. US20130168577(2013). [PDF]
  132. Test of mutually unbiased bases for six-dimensional photonic quantum systemsScientific Reports 3, 2726 (2013). [PDF]
  133. Exact solution to simultaneous intensity and phase encryption with a single phase-only hologramOptics Letters 38, 3546 (2013). [PDF]
  134. Violation of Leggett-type inequalities in the spin-orbit degrees of freedom of a single photonPhysical Review A 88, 032101 (2013). [PDF]
  135. Integrated multi vector vortex beam generatorOptics Express 21, 16130 (2013). [PDF]
  136. Quantum simulation of a spin polarization device in an electron microscopeNew journal of Physics15, 093026 (2013). [PDF]
  137. Reconstructing the Poynting vector skew angle and wave-front of optical vortex beams via two-channel moiré deflectometeryOptics Letters 38,887 (2013). [PDF]
  138. Generation and dynamics of optical beams with polarization singularitiesOptics Express 21, 8815(2013). [PDF]
  139. Radial coherent and intelligent states of paraxial wave equationOptics Letters 37, 2484 (2012). [PDF]
  140. Photonic quantum information applications of patterned liquid crystals Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 561,48 (2012). [PDF]
  141. Spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion and spin-polarization filtering in electron beamsPhysical Review Letters 108, 044801 (2012). [PDF] (On Media 1234)
  142. Polarization pattern of vector vortex beams generated by q-plates with different topological chargesApplied Optics 52, C1 (2012). (Invited) [PDF]
  143. Time-division multiplexing of the orbital angular momentum states of lightOptics Letters 37, 127 (2012). [PDF]
  144. [Patent] Convertitore di momento orbitale in momento di spin per la polarizzazione di fasci di particellePatent application Italy nr. TO2011A001161 (2011).
  145. Laser-induced radial birefringence and spin-to-orbital optical angular momentum conversion in silver-doped glassesApplied Physics Letters 99, 011113 (2011). [PDF]
  146. Vortex stability and permanent flow in nonequilibrium polariton condensatesJournal of Applied Physics 109, 102406 (2011). [PDF]
  147. Spin-to-orbital conversion of the angular momentum of light and its classical and quantum applicationsJournal of Optics13, 064001 (2011). (Invited) [Highlighted paper] [PDF]
  148. Efficient generation and control of higher order orbital angular momentum states for communication linksJournal of the Optical Society of America A 28, 65 (2011). [PDF]
  149. Self Induced spin to orbital conversion in TGG crystal at high powerPhysical Review A 82, 043806 (2010). [PDF]
  150. Spin-orbit hybrid entanglement of photons and quantum contextualityPhysical Review A 82, 022115 (2010). [PDFErratum:Physical Review A 84,  019904(E) (2011). [PDF]
  151. Photonic quantum information applications of patterned liquid crystals Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 256,108 (2010). [PDF]
  152. Optical induced vortices and persistent currents in polariton condensates  Phys: Conf. Ser. 210, 012023 (2010). [PDF]
  153. Polarization-controlled evolution of light transverse modes and associated Pancharatnam geometric phase in orbital angular momentumPhysical Review A 81, 053813 (2010). [PDF]
  154. Optimal quantum cloning of orbital angular momentum photon qubits via Hong-Ou-Mandel coalescence,Nature Photonics 3  720 (2009). [PDF] (On Media 1)
  155. Universal unitary gate for single-photon spinorbit four dimension statesPhysical Review A80, 022326 (2009). [PDF]
  156. Polarization control of single photon quantum orbital angular momentum statesOptics Express17, 18745 (2009). [PDF]
  157. Efficient generation and sorting of orbital angular momentum eigenmodes of light by thermally tuned q-platesApplied Physics Letters 94, 231124 (2009). [PDF]
  158. Quantum information transfer from spin to orbital angular momentum of photonsPhysical Review Letters103, 013601 (2009). [PDF]
  159. Quantum interference by coherence transfer from spin to orbital angular momentum of photonsProceedings of SPIE The International Society for Optical Engineering7355, 735507 (2009). [PDF]
  160. Light propagation in a birefringent plate with topological chargeOptics Letters34, 1225 (2009). [PDF]
  161. Improved focusing with Hypergeometric-Gaussian type-II optical modesOptics Express16,  21069 (2008). [PDF]
  162. Non-Hermitian Interaction of Matter and LightPhysica Scripta78, 065002 (2008). [PDF]
  163. Mapping of shape invariant potentials by the point canonical transformation J. Theor. Phys.47, 891 (2008). [PDF]
  164. [Book] Optics and Quantum mechanics,Translation Book (in persian), Danesh-Negar publisher Tehran (2007). Nominated as the best physics book in 2008.
  165. Hypergeometric-Gaussian Modes,Optics Letters 32,  3053 (2007). [PDF]
  166. Algebraic approach to the Hulthen potential, J. Theor. Phys. 46, 1381 (2007). [PDF]
  167. Algebraic approach to the Kratzer potentialPhysica Scripta75, 90 (2007). [PDF]
  168. Spectral modification by line singularity in Fresnel diffraction from 1D phase stepOptics Communication255, 23 (2005). [PDF]