When he is not studying physics, Felix enjoys various sports including playing volleyball at the University of Ottawa, rock climbing, and running. He also enjoys playing music on piano and guitar.
Selected Publications
- Vectorized optoelectronic control and metrology in a semiconductor, S Sederberg, F Kong, F Hufnagel, C Zhang, E Karimi & P B. Corkum, Nature Photonics (2020).
- Investigation of underwater quantum channels in a 30 meter flume tank using structured photons, F Hufnagel, A Sit, F Bouchard, Y Zhang, D England, K Heshami, B J Sussman & E Karimi, New Journal of Physics 22, 093074 (2020) (On news outlet: link1, link2, link3, link4)
- Characterization of an underwater channel for quantum communications in the Ottawa River, F Hufnagel, A Sit, F Grenapin, F Bouchard, Kh Heshami, D England, Y Zhang, B J. Sussman, R W. Boyd, G Leuchs, and E Karimi, Optics Express 27, 26346 (2019).
- Compressed sensing of twisted photons, F. Bouchard, D. Koutný, F. Hufnagel, Z. Hradil, J. Řeháček, Y.-S. Teo, D. Ahn, H. Jeong, L. L. Sánchez-Soto, G. Leuchs & E. Karimi, Optics Express 27, 17426-17434 (2019).
- Adaptive compressive tomography with no a priori information, D Ahn, Y S Teo, H Jeong, F Bouchard, F Hufnagel, E Karimi, D Koutný, J Řeháček, Z Hradil, G Leuchs & L L Sánchez-Soto, Physical Review Letters 122, 100404 (2019).
- Quantum process tomography of a high-dimensional quantum communication channel, F Bouchard, F Hufnagel, DKoutný, A Abbas, A Sit, K Heshami, R Fickler & E Karimi, Quantum 3, 138 (2019).
- Quantum cryptography with twisted photons through an outdoor underwater channel, F Bouchard, A Sit, F Hufnagel, A Abbas, Y Zhang, K Heshami, R Fickler, C Marquardt, G Leuchs, R W Boyd & E Karimi, Optics Express 26, 22563-22573 (2018).